Roseau, Dominica – April 26, 2024… The Government of Dominica will seek
parliamentary approval of a credit facility to finance the development of a new electricity
transmission network from the Roseau Valley to Fond Cole when Parliament convenes on
Monday, April 29, 2024.
Minister for Finance, Economic Development, Climate Resilience and Social Security, Hon.
Dr. Irving McIntyre will table the resolution for the authorization of the credit facility of
EC$103.95 million from the International Development Association (IDA).
As Government advances the development of Dominica’s geothermal resource, a new
electricity power plant is required to connect the geothermal power plant in Laudat to the
hydroelectric power plants in the Roseau Valley and to DOMLEC’s sub-station at Fond Cole
for distribution to electricity consumers.
The Government of Dominica will also table a motion for the approval of supplementary
estimates for the year 2023/24 amounting to EC$ 52, 441, 040; and introduce a Bill for an
Act to amend the Tax Information Exchange Act.
Parliament will begin at 10:00a.m
