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Happy New Year from TUD Dominica

Embracing Opportunities for Newness

I greet you with the warmth and love which represents the Yuletide season.

As Christmas turns into New Years, Team Unity Dominica (TUD) takes this opportunity to connect with each and every Dominican. We wish you the best of what they wish for yourself.

By extension, however, we wish every Dominican family, community and the nation in general, thriving success and unbounded progress in the new year and beyond.

A nation is stronger when its people thrive, and families are the bedrock of fledgling societies.That is why TUD declares 2024 as a year for healthy family relations and thriving communities. We make this declaration as our pledge of our commitment to serving the people in more progressive ways.

Each era offers opportunities for newness, so let us use 2024 as a springboard to real political progress in Dominica. My message for you for the upcoming year is quite simple: Let us treat 2024 as the first ray of sunlight on the Dominican political landscape. Our country desperately needs this new light.

Fellow Dominicans, Jane “Nightbird” Marczewski puts it best when she said that “You cannot wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy”. Let us seek to be happy amidst the difficult moments which may confront in 2024.

Team Unity Dominica -A New Era of Politics in Dominica- Our Nation’s Hope

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