Dominica’s educators, one of the driving forces behind the nation’s future, are set to receive due recognition with the launch of the inaugural Elevated Educator Awards; this October. This prestigious event, a collaboration between Kairi FM, Elevate and Lovelee Things will honour teachers who have gone above and beyond in shaping their students, schools, and communities.
Nominations are now open for educators who have demonstrated extraordinary
commitment and impact during the 2023-2024 school year. Whether it’s a teacher who has ignited a passion for learning or a staff member who has made a profound difference, this event will celebrate those who have truly transformed the lives of students across the nation in one way or another.
Leandra Lander, host of Kairi FM’s “Elevate” and proprietor of Lovelee Things, is the
visionary behind this initiative. As an educator herself, Lander recognised the need to
honour the commitment and hard work of her peers, leading to the creation of the
Elevated Educator Awards.
“Our teachers are the backbone of society,” Lander stated, “and it’s time we celebrate
their invaluable contributions.”
Nominations are open to the public and schools, and submissions are being accepted
until September 6, 2024. Educators with a minimum of two years of teaching experience are eligible, and there is also a special category for outstanding ancillary staff. This ensures that those who support the educational environment behind the scenes are also recognized.
The awards ceremony will take place on October 3, 2024, and will celebrate excellence
across several categories, including Male and Female Primary School Educator, Male
and Female Secondary School Educator, and Ancillary Staff.
Lander expressed deep gratitude to the sponsors who have already come forward to
support this initiative, including Kairi FM, HHV Whitchurch & Company Limited, UWI
Global Campus, Media Linx, Fine Foods Inc., Vees Shipping, Jay’s Face, HBOC Lab,
Fort Young Hotel, Grazed By Asch, Elis Decor, Fruits and Flowers and EmoNews. She
also encouraged others who value the importance of education to contribute, saying,
“This is an opportunity for us to give back to those who invest so much in our children
and our society.”
