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Wesley Village Celebrates Launch of 2024 Wesley Reunion Activities

The Wesley Village buzzed with excitement and nostalgia as villagers and online patrons gathered for the official launch of the 2024 Wesley Reunion activities. The event, held on Sunday, July 7th, marked the beginning of a series of celebrations leading up to the main reunion from December 20th to 29th, 2024. Key addresses were delivered by Ms. Janelle Burnette-Yarde, Coordinator of the Wesley Reunion 2024, and Ms. Revelyn St John, President of the Wesley Reunion 2024 Committee, setting the tone for what promises to be a memorable event.

Ms. Janelle Burnette-Yarde: Celebrating Community and Connection

Ms. Janelle Burnette-Yarde's address resonated deeply with the attendees as she highlighted the significance of the reunion.

“As we gather here today, we celebrate the launching of our community reunion with a sense of excitement and nostalgia. This is a special moment to reflect on our shared experiences, reconnect with old friends, and look toward the community’s future,” she began.

She emphasized the profound impact that the community of Wesley has had on its members, fostering lifelong friendships and providing unwavering support.

“We have all continued to grow and learn throughout our lives, and we have made a difference in the community & world at large in our unique ways,” she continued. “As we look to the future of this reunion, it fills us with hope and optimism.”

Ms. Burnette-Yarde called for a celebration filled with joy and gratitude, urging everyone to reconnect with old friends and families. She concluded her speech with a heartfelt message:

“Here’s to reminiscing, reconnection, and reliving the magic we once created together as a community. May it be just the beginning of renewed connections that will inspire and enrich our community. Cheers to our reunion, to bringing back our community unity and its limitless potential.”

Ms. Revelyn St John: Unity and Heritage

Ms. Revelyn St John, President of the Wesley Reunion 2024 Committee, followed with a powerful speech that underscored the resilience and unity of the Wesley community.

“It is an honor to stand before you today as the president of the Wesley Reunion Committee 2024. As we gather this afternoon in our beloved community and connect through social media, I am constantly reminded of how grateful I am to come from Wesley. Our roots run deep, and our bonds are unbreakable,” she said.

She highlighted the community’s ability to overcome challenges, emphasizing the theme of the reunion, 'La Wi Konnek,' which means 'Let's Connect.'

“Wesley people are overcomers. We, Wesleyans, can achieve great things when we unite and work together,” she stated.

Ms. St John called on the community to come together to bring peace, joy, and harmony to Wesley. She celebrated the rich tapestry of the village, woven together by prominent family names that form the fabric of the community.

“I am asking that we come together as one people to bring peace, joy, and harmony to our village. Wesley, let us connect—La Wi Konnek—this December 20-29, 2024. This reunion is not just an event; it is a celebration of our shared heritage, our resilience, and our unity,” she urged.

Looking Forward to December

The launch event set the stage for the upcoming reunion activities, which will culminate in a grand celebration in December. The Wesley Reunion 2024 promises to be a time of reconnecting, celebrating shared heritage, and fostering unity within the community.

For the latest updates and more information, follow the Wesley Reunion on social media at @WesleyReunionDA.

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