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  • What are the best ways to save money?

    There are several effective ways to save money. Here are some tips: 1. Create a budget: Start by tracking your income and expenses to understand where your money is going. Then, set a budget that allocates specific amounts for different categories, such as housing, transportation, groceries, and entertainment. Stick to your budget as closely as possible. 2. Cut unnecessary expenses: Review your expenses and identify areas where you can cut back. This might include dining out less, canceling unused subscriptions, reducing energy consumption, or finding cheaper alternatives for certain products or services. 3. Automate savings: Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to a savings account each month. This way, you can save consistently without having to think about it. 4. Shop smart: Compare prices, use coupons, and take advantage of sales to save money on your purchases. Consider buying generic brands instead of name brands, and avoid impulse buying. 5. Cook at home: Eating out can be expensive, so try cooking meals at home more often. This not only saves money but also allows you to have more control over the ingredients and portion sizes. 6. Reduce utility bills: Lower your energy and water consumption by turning off lights when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, adjusting your thermostat, and fixing any leaks. These small changes can add up to significant savings over time. 7. Save on transportation: Consider carpooling, using public transportation, or biking/walking instead of driving whenever possible. This can help reduce fuel and maintenance costs. 8. Prioritize saving: Make saving a priority by setting specific financial goals. Whether you're saving for an emergency fund, a vacation, or retirement, having clear objectives can motivate you to save more. Remember, saving money requires discipline and consistency. Start with small changes and gradually increase your savings over time. #finance

  • Tourism Minister says changes have to be made to Dominica's Carnival product to attract more visitors to the island

    Minister for Tourism, Denise Charles-Pemberton says it is time to decide if Dominica's carnival is a product to attract visitors to the island, or it remains simply a local cultural celebration. Last year a carnival task force was appointed to review Dominica's carnival product and make recommendations for its improvement. She says these products must be aligned to achieve the goal of over 500,000 stay-over visitors. #tourism #Dominica

  • New Ag Police Chief says an increase in police presence and measures to reduce violence are part of his immediate plans

    New Ag Police Chief, Davidson Valerie says he will seek to deal with matters urgently as he takes office. He is expected to implement, and re-introduce a number of activities to foster and improve team spirit in the organization. He says he will implement measures to improve on the time and quality of response to reports received from members of the public. These are some of his plans as he takes over as Ag Police Chief as Daniel Carbon goes on pre-retirement leave. #policenews

  • Progressism 2024 hosted for Professionals in Dominica to Envision the Future and Empower Change

    The Progressive Mind has announced Progressism 2024 captioned under the theme: Envisioning the Future and Empowering Change. This ultimate New Year event for Professionals in Dominica takes place on Sunday, January 7th at the InterContinental Dominica Cabrits Resort and Spa, an IHG Hotel. With a focus on embracing the future and empowering individuals to drive positive change, Progressism 2024 promises to be a transformative experience for all attendees. The event will feature a diverse range of activities, including an engaging workshop, insightful Power Talks and Panel Discussion, captivating entertainment, and invaluable networking opportunities. The event will include Power Talks on Leveraging Talents to Maximize Wealth, Unlocking Future Possibilities through Optimal Mental Health, and Harnessing Technology for Professional Transformation by Elias Dupuis, Kalisha Aaron and Davidson Edwards, respectively. Additionally, the event will feature a panel discussion with esteemed guests Honourable Lakeyia Joseph, Orin Jolly, Jodie Dublin Dangleben, and Shelly Alfred. This dynamic panel moderated by the Founder of The Progressive Mind Lizra Fabien, will delve into the topic of envisioning the future and empowering change, offering diverse perspectives from various industries. Lizra Fabien is founder of the Progressive Mind. #Progressism

  • President of the NYCD says the contribution of the youth in national development is inspiring

    President of the National Youth Council of Dominica Phael Lander has told the youth as the new year begins he is moved by the dedication and impact each of them has had in the various communities. He says their unwavering commitment, innovation and passion have been the driving forces behind transformative forces that continue to shape the world. Lander says the journey has been marked by remarkable achievements, collaborations that transcend boundaries, and a shared vision for a world founded on inclusivity, equity and progress. #youth #Dominica #NYCD

  • How to create a budget

    Creating a budget is an essential step in managing your finances effectively. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create a budget: 1. Determine your income: Calculate your total monthly income from all sources. Include your salary, freelance work, side hustles, and any other sources of income. 2. Track your expenses: Track your expenses for a month to get an accurate picture of your spending habits. Categorize your expenses, such as housing, transportation, groceries, utilities, entertainment, and debt payments. 3. Analyze your spending: Review your expenses and identify areas where you can cut back or make adjustments. Look for any unnecessary expenses or areas where you can save money. 4. Set financial goals: Determine your short-term and long-term financial goals. Examples could be saving for a down payment on a house, paying off debt, or building an emergency fund. Having clear goals will help you prioritize your spending. 5. Allocate your income: Divide your income into different categories based on your expenses and financial goals. Start with essential expenses like housing, utilities, and groceries. Then allocate funds for savings, debt payments, and discretionary spending. 6. Create a budgeting system: Choose a budgeting system that works for you. You can use a spreadsheet, budgeting apps, or even a pen and paper. The key is to find a system that you are comfortable with and can easily track your income and expenses. 7. Monitor and adjust: Regularly monitor your budget and track your expenses to ensure you are staying on track. Make adjustments as needed, especially if your income or expenses change. 8. Save for emergencies: Set aside a portion of your income each month for unexpected expenses or emergencies. Aim to build an emergency fund that covers at least three to six months of living expenses. Remember, creating a budget is a dynamic process, and it may take some time to find the right balance. Be patient and flexible, and make adjustments as needed to achieve your financial goals. #budgeting

  • Energy Minister & Opposition Senator bump heads on guarantee to facilitate geothermal plant

    Energy Minister Vince Henderson says Dominica has gone through several processes, and now stands at the belief that a $13.5M bank guarantee to construct the geothermal plant is the best that can be achieved at this time. He has not ruled out that the deal is not without its own challenges, however notes that the nature of geothermal power requires that certain obligations and responsibilities are taken on. Meanwhile, though Opposition Senator Delbert Paris acknowledges the efforts by government towards geothermal energy, he says it is very interesting that at this time of Dominica's development, with changing global economic climate, the government is asking the only indigenous bank to put on hold $13.5M as a guarantee for this project. #energy #geothermal #creditguarantee

  • Happy New Year from TUD Dominica

    Embracing Opportunities for Newness I greet you with the warmth and love which represents the Yuletide season. As Christmas turns into New Years, Team Unity Dominica (TUD) takes this opportunity to connect with each and every Dominican. We wish you the best of what they wish for yourself. By extension, however, we wish every Dominican family, community and the nation in general, thriving success and unbounded progress in the new year and beyond. A nation is stronger when its people thrive, and families are the bedrock of fledgling societies.That is why TUD declares 2024 as a year for healthy family relations and thriving communities. We make this declaration as our pledge of our commitment to serving the people in more progressive ways. Each era offers opportunities for newness, so let us use 2024 as a springboard to real political progress in Dominica. My message for you for the upcoming year is quite simple: Let us treat 2024 as the first ray of sunlight on the Dominican political landscape. Our country desperately needs this new light. Fellow Dominicans, Jane “Nightbird” Marczewski puts it best when she said that “You cannot wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy”. Let us seek to be happy amidst the difficult moments which may confront in 2024. Team Unity Dominica -A New Era of Politics in Dominica- Our Nation’s Hope #Politics #Dominica #TUD

  • New Dominica Hospitals Authority- Board of Directors to serve for the next 2-years

    Management of the Dominica Hospitals Authority (DHA) has revealed the names of the persons who will serve on the board for the next 2 years. There are: Dr Donald Peters - Chairman, Dr Kenneth Darroux- Deputy Chairman Members: Augustus Etienne, Dr Victor Emmanuel, Diane Blandford, Dr Shannon John, Jeffrey Baptiste, Joanne Bellot, Colleen D. Felix Grant Ex-officio non-voting members: Chief Executive Officer -Dominica Hospitals Authority Chief Medical Officer- Ministry of Health, Wellness & Social Services Hospital Medical Director- Dominica Hospitals Authority #hospital #Board #CommonwealthofDOMINICA

  • A new resilience unit is to be established in the Ministry of Finance to replace CREAD

    With the life of CREAD coming to a close on December 31st, 2023 some of its work was transitioned to other ministries, but the majority will be taken over by a 'resilience unit' within the ministry of finance, part of which will be the major capital projects office. Finance Minister Dr Irving McIntyre says the work of the Climate Resilience Executive agency for Dominica- CREAD has been guided by six result areas, strong communities, robust economy, well planned & durable infrastructure, enhanced collective consciousness, strengthened institutional systems and protected and sustainably leveraged natural and other unique assets. Clip Irving28 Duration:1min Dr McIntyre says though CREAD was created in 2018 after Hurricane Maria in 2017 and they set out the agenda so that Dominica can become the first climate resilient nation by 2030, this can only be achieved if everyone joins in these resilience efforts. #resilience #Dominica

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